When stepping on the ball with the flat side facing up, step on the right side of the ball, and when
that side tilts down, step on the left side. Distribute your weight evenly to ensure you are balanced.
When stepping off of the ball with the flat side facing up, step off of the right side, then the left
side, to make sure you don’t fall over.
Recommended Uses:
Place the ball with the flat side facing up
Step on the ball
Squat by pushing your hips back and flexing your knees. Lower your body and bring your hands up near
your chest. Make sure not to bend your knees past your toes
Repeat step 3 for your desired number of repetitions
You may hold a weight when squatting to add difficulty
Push Ups
Place the ball with the flat side facing up
Place your hands on both sides of the ball, gripping it to stabilize it. Your arms should be straight.
Extend your legs backwards, making sure that your spine is lined up with your neck
Flex your elbows and inhale as you do so, lowering your body until your chest touches the flat surface
of the ball
Exhale, and push your body back up to the starting position
Repeat steps 4 and 5 for however many pushups you wish to complete